That's from December, but I still like it.
Also, Approaching Pavonis Mons By Balloon (Utopia Planitia) by The Flaming Lips is probably the best song ever to leave on loop in the background. I really love it. The company I ordered my camera from told me they'd send out a new adapter, however, it'll be going to my mom's house, where I initially ordered it from. So it'll take a little extra time to get it. As soon as I do, I'll hopefully be starting the 365. I suppose that means I'll need to pay for my flickr account, so I can hold more. However, obviously if the traveling thing DOES work out, then I won't be able to post every day, so much as take a picture every day and post perhaps in bundles later. Ah, well. I'm happy with where I live; I just wish there were more to do.
Also, I've decided to simply get over to North Carolina and kick it with my sis' for a while, before I fly out to see Leyda and Amber in California. That way I can take a nice break and enjoy Charlotte, and Jess' can show me around.