Woo, stealing wifi! Wanted to show I wasn't dead. I will hopefully be taking a hike this weekend and taking lots of pictures. I keep forgetting my camera! I've already been to the rim a few times now. It's gorgeous up here. My days are going by far too quickly. Been working on my goal of reading the dictionary. Pretty fun, actually. There are so many cool words! Only doing it in batches, and I'm jumping around quite a bit. Not very methodical... Trying to incorporate them into my every day vocabulary. It gets dreary just pulling from the same pool over and over. Plus words are a blast!
Have a Tuesday eats post.

Spinach, red bell peppers, carrots, eggs, onions, palacsinta, pumpkin butter, and jam.

Ciabatta, cream cheese, red bell pepper sauce, and cooked eggplant.

Sweet corn, veggie sausage, black beans, red bell peppers, wild rice, carrots, onions, and peppers.
Song of the day:
Her Morning Elegance- Oren Lavie.