Happy March! Spring is sorta starting, but snow keeps happening at random. I want to ride my bike again! My first 8 week classes are drawing to a close, then after break I only have a few classes, my 17 day backpacking trip, and I graduate on May 12th! So weird. I feel like I've been in school for so long. I'll be moving out to North Carolina with my mother, and start looking for work/internships. Really, I don't get my fancy piece of paper saying I'm done until after I've completed my internship. Still, though, it's pretty exciting. I haven't been taking pictures at all, which is sorta depressing. I'm still keeping track of things for Tuesday Eats posts. Breakfast has taken root as my main dish of the day, and I make it rather luscious and take my time to eat it. Other than that, though, my camera stays dormant on my desk. I hope I get the motivation to start snapping things again. Alright, enough babble, onto fun things!
New blogs I've found recently, or revisited:
JunkaholiqueBeautiful photographs. I really like the aesthetic, and it follows the life of a married couple who run a jewelry line.
Sweet Sugar BeanJust found it, but the recipes looks delicious so far.
Honey and JamAbsolutely stunning food photography. The entire blog embodies things I find beautiful in terms of cooking. Don't read it on an empty stomach. It's full of baked goods.
Simply BreakfastLike the tagline of the blog says: The art of breakfast. Lovely photos.
Melina PhotosBeautiful food.
House of HumblePretty photographs from the life of those across the big ol' ocean. It's interesting to see the normalities of someone else's life somewhere so far away.
A Restless TransplantLife on the road.
Desserts For BreakfastSuper pretty photos of food.
Books I'd like:
Home Made.
How do you make cheese from pantry staples? Or create an oven smoker from scratch in just two minutes? Or make ice cream without a machine? In Home Made, Yvette van Boven shows you how, complete with an irreverent voice, step-by-step photos and illustrations, and a gorgeous photo alongside every recipe. While her recipes are rooted in a natural, from-scratch cooking philosophy, van Boven is never preachy (she doesn’t use the word “organic”); she believes that this way of cooking is fun and that the dishes simply taste better. Chapters include Preserving Vegetables, Pre-Dinner Drinks, Chocolate and Cookies, After a Night Out, Ice-Cream-You-Scream, Don’t Forget the Dog!, and more. Each chapter starts with a basic dish that you can make yourself, but usually don’t because you think it’s too complicated (think again!), and includes variations—basic bread becomes focaccia with olives and rosemary, or red cherry and thyme bread. This book will inspire you to make every dish at home.
Down To Earth.
'I was pulled into simple living before I knew what it was. It crept up on me using the smallest of steps and didn't reveal its true beauty and real power until I was totally hooked. I was searching for a way to live well while spending very little money. What I found was a way of life that also gave me independence, opportunity and freedom.'
Rhonda Hetzel gently encourages readers to find the pleasure and meaning in a simpler life, sharing all the practical information she has gathered on her own journey. Whether you want to learn how to grow tomatoes, bake bread, make your own soap and preserve fruit, or just be inspired to slow down and live more sustainably, Down to Earth will be your guide.
"The World From Above (A Terra Magica Book)" by Hanns Reich
It has beautiful photos of exactly what the title states.
I really wish I had a roomy, pretty pantry like this:

I love this room.