I have a whiteboard in my room which is divided into three sections. One has a to-do: section, for tasks/chores, one is my workout regiment, which I'm going to organize by days of the week now, and the last has a daily reminder for drinking at least 2 cups of tea, 3 glasses of water and 2 servings of greens, and then recipes I've chosen to make for the week. So in that way, I will be tracking myself on those things. For here, I figured I'd just write a few easy to accomplish goals, so I could feel like I'm doing something and not make anything stressful or overly eager. There is nothing wrong with big, powerful goals, but I think I'll be more satisfied with small things I know I can do.
1) Since I no longer have a job working with my hands, I'm going to start a new care routine to bring my hands back to a better state. They're by no means horrible, but I want to nurture them a little.
2) Read a book a month. (This has always sorta been an overall goal of mine, but I seem to end up waffling on it and a month will go by and I haven't read...) So far I've read one book this year. D:
3) Cut out white, refined sugar, and start using healthier substitutes. I don't like those fake sugar alternatives. More like - muscovado sugar, brown rice syrup, agave and molasses.
In other news, look how adorable my cats are! Don't be fooled, Mr. T is just stretched out. Buster weighs a lot more.
Song of the day: "Librarian" by My Morning Jacket.