This absolutely amazing knife holder is a must in my imaginary kitchen. Too bad it's so expensive.
These are so adorable! I love them to bits.
I love the color green, especially a nice, dark green like this vase. I would love lots of green containers around my house.
This recipe box is so cute. I actually have a recipe box, but I don't have lovely little cards like those to write anything on. I wonder where I could find some to fit in it.
I've really been wanting a tablet. My friend is selling hers, so hopefully I'll get that one. I would love to start practicing digital coloring, and try to get commissions that way, as they'd be less times-consuming for me.
While my webcam works, it has really horrid quality, and the recording features are for maybe ten seconds. It was free, so I've enjoyed it while I've had it, but really, an upgrade would be nice. Plus, this one is like an old-timey camera, how great is that?
I might be more inclined to get up in the morning, if I had one of these.
I really love this journal. It's just so pretty and it has graph paper. I, however, need to fill the journals I already have before I go and buy more. They're so addictive, though!
Song of the day: Cake- Short Skirt and a Long Jacket.
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