Huzzah! I finally have my laptop. :D I've never actually owned a laptop before, so it feels pretty neat. Yeah.... Anywho, here're some pics of my apartment! I haven't gotten around to resizing all the awesome shots of the snow, but I'll post those soon! Check out my flickr for a bunch more.
Everything on the top shelf and the coats to the left are for sale.
That is a page of stickers I've yet to scan in. I haven't been able to find my printer CD to install it.
You are so neat and organized! I'm so messy that I get panic attacky as soon as I step into my apartment. Lots of sticker love and sharpened pencils and array of pens love.
fashion for writers: Thank you! It's funny because I never feel all that organized, but I've made an effort to keep things more orderly in my new apartment. Especially since I want to start making more art! Lots of colored pens are always awesome. :D
You are so neat and organized! I'm so messy that I get panic attacky as soon as I step into my apartment. Lots of sticker love and sharpened pencils and array of pens love.
xo Jenny
fashion for writers:
Thank you! It's funny because I never feel all that organized, but I've made an effort to keep things more orderly in my new apartment. Especially since I want to start making more art! Lots of colored pens are always awesome. :D
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