Cat hat! From Cute Boys With Cats Tumblr. Warning: Cuteness Overload! You may not want to proceed if you don't want cavities.
Jay Shafer is the designer of well-renown tiny houses. His company, Tumbleweed Houses, showcases a bunch of his houses, as well as selling a book with several more that you can flip through. He has the option of either building it himself and shipping it to you, or, there are detailed instructions on how you can build it yourself, with a fraction of the labor costs. Yes, those are wheels. Some of his designs are built on trailers, and can therefore be transported anywhere. Plus it qualifies as personal property at that point, and you don't have to pay property taxes on it. This is the one I want.
On the subject of small living with possible travel opportunities, check out this guy's neato airstream house that he renovated himself here. So very cool. There is a link on the article for more pictures.
This girl has beautiful hair.
Here's mine when I redyed it. I had purple in my bangs and on the sides the first time.
It's mostly faded to pink now. :( And my roots are growing in like crazy.
Hope you're all having a fantastic weekend. I took many pictures of my camping trip, and will definitely post them later. They'll be in two posts, likely, much like my trip to Sedona was, as it was a very distinct change in scenery between going down and then at the bottom. Super neat. The biologist inside me was squealing with happy. On a side note, my legs are so sore it hurts to move. :|
They tie themselves in horrible knots!
Song of the day: Heffalumps and Woozles- Winnie the Pooh.
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