Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Easy over egg with greek yogurt, and sundried tomato pesto, cooked bell pepper, cous cous cooked with craisins, golden raisins, and cinnamon.

Green grapes, pan-toasted bread, spring greens and spinach, mozarella, craisins, fried egg and rice cooked with kidney beans, onion, and potato cooked in basil and butter.
Tofu, shiitake mushrooms, scallions, and garlic soaked in soy sauce and lightly cooked over white rice.

Homemade tapioca pudding, served warm with pistachios. So good.

Song of the day, "Tonight, Tonight" by The Smashing Pumpkins

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Stormy weather moving in.

I really need to start taking photos again. I miss it. I don't know what's been stopping me.

So, since I've been packing and going to move out, whether I end up staying in Flagstaff longer and put my things in storage, or whether I go to North Carolina, or somewhere else across the country, it's been helping me to evaluate just how much I own. I have quite a bit that is still for the store, but, since sales have slowed to a halt, and since it's expensive to keep all of it during a move, I'm going to have to go through everything and figure out what is worth it to bring, and what will simply have to go to Goodwill. I'm really trying to now go through my things and whittle down even further what I want as my own. I've always wanted a very simple, uncluttered life. Somehow over the years I've made impulse purchases and accumulated knickknacks, etc. I've been really inspired by my goals to get my belongings down as much as possible. I have more clothing than I wear, although this is partially due to the fact that I have shirts I still love, but that are too big on me now that I have lost weight. I plan on turning these into new things, at some point. For the most part, I'm probably going to make my wardrobe more cohesive. It's interesting to see where my interests lie. When I was very young, being as simple as possible was very appealing to me, but then somewhere around high school into my sophomore year of college, I became interested in fashion and became quite materialistic, and spent money on far more clothing than I could possibly begin to wear. I've since gotten my closet down exponentially, but I still feel I have a ways to go. I'd rather have go-to pieces that I wear over and over, than more options than I can handle. This is also reflected in the types of blogs I've been reading over the years, and which have made their way into my blog-list on the sidebar. I used to follow many fashion blogs, full of frilly, pretty things. Though nice to look at, they weren't practical. I've updated it again, with blogs I'm enjoying. I find I prefer things with food, or simple, pretty lives, or nature. I want my life to revolve more around food.

  PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket
Via: rawveganchild.
I'm a vegetarian, and I really enjoy it. I would really like more of my diet to be raw-food related. I'll still cook things and eat eggs and the like, but I've been eating fresh salads every day now and it's so wonderful. More fresh things where I don't have to do anything but cut it up and make a nice dressing or something for it seems so peaceful and healthy. Photobucket Taken from one of my favorite blogs: Whole Larder Love. I really want to start canning things and living more seasonally.
Photobucket This yard seems so beautiful and secluded. I'd love summer mornings sitting and eating breakfast here. I want more greenery in my life.
This room is so cool. I love that door all by itself, hovering in the wall that way. I also really like the big, open windows. I want my future home to have big windows, to flood everything in warm light.

I like this blog: Waterandwool. It's refreshing and down to earth. I like the simple life she leads, revolving around food, preparing for new seasons, knitting and her dogs. She doesn't have a super fancy camera, and some of her pictures are even blurry, but I think that's part of why I like reading it.

Song of the day: "It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So you wanna be a hero, kid...

Goodness. I've been M.I.A.

I graduated! Woo, party.

Well, sorta. I still have my internship class to take in the fall. I'm on the hunt for a job, all across the country. So far, no real response back. Boo. I'm hopeful I'll get something.

I'm really enjoying Cheat Sheet, a show on the Science channel. It's really cool. It is the same as "Did you know...?" on Yahoo! Same announcer, same graphics. I like things science, especially in that format.

Some things I'm diggin' today:

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket These were taken from: Maybe Vintage. It is a pretty sweet blog I've just revisited. It has all kinds of things. Photobucket
Taken from That Home Above.
Photobucket Taken from: Tim Barber.

Photobucket Taken from: Simply Breakfast.

Song is One Last Hope by Danny DeVito.