Monday, August 9, 2010

I've always been very interested in interior design and spaces. I have folders with countless photos that I've collected over the years. Some of which I've featured on SAS posts. I've several goals/things I want to accomplish for my life. Owning one of those Tumbleweed houses is one of them, and I think now how would I go about squashing down the ideas behind beautiful (but at times spacious) rooms, and make them work/incorporate things into such a tiny space.








There was another photo of forest wallpaper that featured aspens (one of my favorite types of trees), I believe, that I unfortunately forgot to save, and boy oh boy how I would love to wake up to that on my wall.

The store will be open as soon as I get back to Flagstaff. I have tons of things to add (which will be photographed with my new, lovely camera)! I will make updates about it once I start getting things up. Plus, you should be seeing some more artwork appearing in the shop here and there. Stay tuned! :D

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